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Roasting Specialty Coffee in the Tug Hill Region




Cupping Notes: Black Tea, Grape, Chamomile

Process: Natural

Varietal: Anacafe-14

Altitude 5,200 feet

Origin: Finca El Jardin, Fraijanes, Guatemala


This coffee is from Pablo and Eva’s “Finca el Jardin” in Guatemala. This is the second of two micro-lots from Pablo and Eva’s farm that we’ve been able to release this year. The other was the experimental Pacamara, which is still available… 

It’s great seeing this coffee coming to fruition. While intended for high yields at lower altitudes, Pablo and I discovered (there are probably others that know this too)  that the Anacafe-14 does very well at the higher altitude of the Finca el Jardin. This is a 300 lb micro lot, but there’s more of this specific variety on the way as their first large harvest of Anacafe-14 is currently being picked. 

This is a sweeter coffee with notes of chamomile, black tea and some green grape. It was naturally processed coffee first undergoing an anaerobic fermentation before an aerobic fermentation. After fermentation, the coffee was dried on African beds for 30 days in a green house before being dry milled. 




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